SAFEGUARDING REGULATIONS We make sure your children are safe in our care. Read More
Nursery & Preschool
Visitor Policy
This policy links to –
Child protection policy.
Arrivals and collections.
Mobile phone policy.
Lock down policy.
All staff working at Bizzie Lizzies have Safeguarding Children training.
Signing In and out
All visitors –including but not exclusive of prospective parents, current parents, other professionals etc should sign in in the visitor’s book on arrival and sign out again before leaving stating their reason for the visit.
Mobile Phones.
Visitors, unless they have a professional reason to carry it should be asked to leave their mobile phones in their vehicle or switched off on reception. If a visitor needs to make a phone call, they will be asked to leave the building. Under no circumstances should anyone use a mobile phone when around the children.
Arranging a visit
When a prospective parent arranges a ‘show around’ their name, contact phone number and email address should be taken. The staff member who took the call should then note theses details in a diary and record the date and time of the visit on the reception calendar.
(Spontaneous show arounds are discouraged, they may be facilitated if practical however this is at the discretion of the nursery manager. The person requesting a spontaneous show around would be asked to provide the same details as an arranged appointment and return at an agreed date and time.)
Although identification is not usually requested the manager or the person showing the parent/family around reserves the right to refuse entry for any reason should they have cause for concern or suspicion regarding their reason for the visit.
Professionals visiting the setting should be asked to show identification if we have not met them before.
If the is a need for a ‘tradesperson’ to visit the setting during the time children are present, they should not be left unaccompanied and contact with the children kept to a minimum. Staff should also be aware where that person is Woking and adjust their routine is necessary regarding children’s nappy changing and toilet visits.
If an unexpected person arrives at the door a member of staff should establish what their reason for the visit is, any member of staff has the right to refuse entry to the building.